Sunday, September 2, 2007

My new best friend ...

My new best friend is a 40something Amish farmer. Well, ok, not really but he is an exciting new person in my life. Why? Because he went way above and beyond to find out which of the products he makes and sells are corn free. After several weeks of checking he was able to sell me ground beef, ground pork (for making my own sausage because his sausage processor wouldn't make any for me because he was afraid of getting sued), chicken, eggs and cheese. Woohoo! I ought to have introduced them slowly to make sure they were all safe but I was so excited to have all these new foods that we had some of each today. So far, so good (although the organic pluot from across the country that I tried didn't go over very well... itch, itch, sigh.) Local is good. But that's another post.

Oh, and then there's the wonderful beekeeper who sold me two pounds of honey from bees which are never fed corn (oh yes, they do feed corn syrup to bees. Just one more on the list of animals who are given corn but were never meant to eat it.) He assured me there was absolutely no corn in this honey. I had some of that too. Let's hope all these corn free claims are correct or I'm going to wake up feeling pretty awful tomorrow. But I was starting to feel deprived and in desperate need of something new to eat!

Sounds a little silly, you say? Getting so excited about the basics of life, like honey and cheese? Well, walking around a world full of food I can not eat has been wearing on me a bit lately. So safe foods, that I didn't have to drive to another state to acquire, make me happy!

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